Friday, August 15, 2008

I just got done reading about the seven 1/2 habits of highly sucessful lifelong learners. The easiest to me would be to accept responsibility for your own learning. I'm learning that right now with my 10 month old. I feel like whatever I'm teaching him up until now, it is my responsibility. I've been reading to him since the day he was born and teaching him two different languages and I feel like he is so smart, because of what I have taught him. As he gets older of course, he will start to realize that he will also be in charge of his own learning. The hardest to me would be to view problems as challenges. When I think of conquering a problem, I think of "Glad this is over with and I hope I don't get stuck in this situation again."I should not have think of it that way. If I start thinking of it as a challenge to succeed, I can apply it to other challenges that may arise and start thinking of it as more of a positive experience. And say hey I made it, if I did this, I could do anything. That to me is a lifelong learner!


thatBlondeGirl said...

So where are the pics of your 10 month old? No fair to reference your baby with no pics. I want to see one on your blog! Nothing makes a blog better than baby and pet pics. =)

Fancy Nancy said...

Hey Girl! I love that you are so into this blog thing! I like hearing about your boy. Check mine out---give you one guess as to who I am! Fancy Nancy


Your blog is awesome! The pics of Mario are absolutely adorable. I'm flattered you even have a pic of me on flickr. You are the model Learn and Play participant!